Scotland Legislation


Scotland Legislation

After the tragic events at Grenfell Tower, the Scottish Government has put forward legislation to protect those in high-rise properties and HMO’s.

According to listed standard â€“

Every building must be designed and constructed in such a way that, in the event of an outbreak of fire within the building, fire growth will be inhibited by the operation of an automatic fire suppression system. 

An automatic fire suppression system (AFSS) refers to systems that are mechanically activated and not controlled by hand.

The installation of an AFSS can help provide support and protection to vulnerable people, offering protection in sheltered housing and care homes.

It is more likely to be a fatal fire if on a floor of a property above ground level, as it takes longer to evacuate a building.

In February 2021, Scotland are looking to roll out legislation which makes it mandatory to have suppression systems in properties over 11m, moving from the current 18m used in England & Wales.

We fully support Scotland’s drive for new legislation as we believe every property, life and building is important and an automatic fire suppression system can make the difference to save a life or home.


Scotland Building Standards 2017 – Government Website

Scotland Building Standards for Residential Properties – Government Website

New Scotland Legislation about Fire Suppression Systems

New Scotland Fire Sprinklers Legislation from BAFSA

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